2004-08-21 @ 12:31 a.m.

Ryan has a breath freshener in his room. It comes in a little tube. You squeeze a couple of drops into your mouth and it freshens your breath.

Of course with something like that, at least one person is bound to make cracks about acid. Today, as usual, it was Ryan. But the hillarious thing was that it actually worked on Sibz. She asked what it was, Ryan replied that it was some goooood shit. He asked me if I wanted any, I agreed. I took it and made some orgasmic expression and passed it on to Sam. Ryan was nodding to Sibz saying, "Try some, it only lasts 30 seconds"

In the background Sibz was going, "So what... is it like poppers?" Me and Sam were laughing our heads off because we knew it was just breath freshener, but Sibz actually thought it was some kind of drug. She demanded and demanded to see the label but did not once click that Ryan would actually let her see it if it was an illegal drug.

Sam and I were ever so slightly giggling like little girls.

That was about the most interesting thing to happen today though. Unless you count staring at a wall just because you can't think of any reason not to. That was pretty dumb. I wasn't stoned or anything, just engrossed in the wall.