top 10 people
2004-07-07 @ 11:33 a.m.

I haven't made a list in a while.

Top 10 People To Get Stoned

1. Tony Blair (He needs to loosen up, and he might be less of a twat stoned. There's always hope.)

2. My mum (Even though she took drugs years ago, she's just not feeling the love any more and she ought to. Because life is good.)

3. My history teacher, Mary (Because then she'd be talking funny crap instead of just crap in general)

4. Stephanie (My God, she needs it)

5. Tristan (I think there's something he'd learn from being stoned. He wouldn't make a good stoner, but yes, he should be gotten stoned)

6. Hitler (Because it woulda been so much cooler if he was just stoned and couldn't be bothered to do much, and it didn't really matter if he did, because he loved everyone anyway)

7. The oponent rulers in the game Civilisation. (They all take world domination so very seriously!)

8. Sarah Michelle Gellar (Unless she gets the munchies sometime soon I'm just gonna be miserable)

9. Daniel Radcliff (Because despite being Harry Potter - or possibly because of being Harry Potter - apparantly he gets bullied at school, and I think drugs would cheer him up)

10. A junkie (Just to remind them what REAL happiness is like)