Be Happier Still
2004-07-25 @ 1:43 a.m.

Do you know something? You're as bad as those Christians you hate so much. Worse. You're a fanatic. You think they cling to their beliefs and you think that drug takers cling to their altered states of minds and that people in love cling to their significant others and that its because they're weak. You're right, but don't ever think that you aren't one of them because you are.

You cling to different things, less common things, but none the less, you cling. You cling to the philosophies that you cling to because you want life to be simple. But it isn't.

You're bitter because you know that your life has no meaning and you think it makes you a brave person to face it. You think that makes it worth your while. But it takes a braver person to face it with a smile on their face. It takes a stronger person not to become so bitter and arrogant that they lash out at those who actually are happy. And you are weak. You know that I think you're wonderful and I generally respect your opinions but I can't condone this one.

All you're trying to do is make people feel bad about themselves and I know how enjoyable that can be but it's fucking wrong and don't even deny it. You're 10 times cleverer than most people on this planet, how dare you use that intelligence to try to break people? How can you do that? Why do you do that? Why does it matter to you Tristan? You're here. You could be happy but you won't let yourself. Why the fuck do you expect sympathy for that? I hope you're not trying to bring us all round to your way of thinking because it's a sad way of thinking. It would be awfully lonely to think the way you do, lonely and unnecessary.