General bitching
2004-07-23 @ 10:05 a.m.

There is something, one sentence, that I could put into this diary, and it would explain how I feel perfectly. Unfortunately I'm not going to, because I enjoy writing things in the most tedious and long winded ways.

My room is flooded. My sister left the tap in the bathroom on (The tap in the sink that is currently blocked) First the bathroom flooded, but what I woke up to is water dripping from about 5 different places on my bedroom ceiling.

I phoned my step father in tears and do you know what he told me? He told me to put cups under it and that the only reason I was so upset was because I was tired because I got home so late last night. For a moment I failed to remember getting home late last night, or getting home last night at all for that matter. I realised that this was probably the reason for me getting home late. I was probably at Ryan's house getting stoned off my face. And then I remembered that I was right.

Last night I was happier than I'd ever been before. I smoked some of the leaves from Ryan's home grown plant, followed by some actual stuff. The leaves made me quite mellow and happy, then the skunk made me completely stoned, but still, in a mellow happy way. I had such a good time.

But I woke up this morning, to the sound of dripping. Water torture.

Then I saw that half of the clean clothes that I had not yet bothered to put away were underneath the dripping (or at least the worst part of the dripping) Then I saw that it was dripping onto my bed in another place. Then I saw that it was dripping onto my computer in yet another. Then I remembered that Caroline's meant to be coming over today *whine* how the fuck am I meant to enjoy sex in a room that's been fucking destroyed by water damage?

I had plans. I had plans to clean my room before Caroline came today. And this has just made it 30 times harder.

I fucking hate my sister.

So now I'm just miserable. I still have to organise my party, and work out how much money I'm spending on it but I really don't want to have a party right now. I just know it's going to be so much stress and I won't enjoy it at all. And that's the truth. I'd rather just have friends round, but not all at the same time.

What's more absurd is that I'm talking about a party that's 3 weeks away, but it has been brought to my attention that my birthday is in less than a week. I'd completely forgotten. Seriously. If anyones getting me a present, Mexicans will do. Too scared to take Thai or anything any time soon. Or anything in the company of anybody apart from Ryan and / or people who are not tripping. I'm serious. One bad trip and I'm just too scared to do it again.

And now to bitch just a little more about my day, my birthday present just got delivered and now I know what it is.
