2004-07-22 @ 10:45 a.m.

My step dad's book collection is impressive. I sit under it right now. Fidel - A Critical Portrait, The April Thesis, all of the Tony Benn diaries, Conservatives and the Nation State, How Europe Under-Developed Africa, Watergate and the Myth of American Democracy, Marxist Economic Thought, Revolution From Above, The Permanant Revolution, The Changing Anatomy of Britain, Crisis in the World Economy, A History of Third World Debt, The State and Revolution, Where is Britain Going?

Just reading these titles makes me proud. It makes me remember that like me, my step father cares.

But like me, he has nothing to offer the world.

He can read, and day by day he increases his knowledge. He knows how much the world sucks, but like most of those who do, he has no power to change that.