2004-09-19 @ 9:46 p.m.

Meh. I had an argument with Ryan yesterday. I hate arguing with him. I really do. It's weird. He's changing, I'm changing. I think I'm changing for the better. He's changing for the worse. The way I see it anyway. I think it's the whole crisis of masculinity thing. He feels the need to be more manly. I wish he wouldn't. I wish he'd just be Ryan. I loved Ryan. He made me honey and lemon when I had a sore throat. We went round to Sibz's house and asked her mum if he could make me some honey and lemon. He was so sweet. He looked after me. Told me when I was being an idiot but never failed to point out my values.

He's changed. Grace hit the nail on the head. It isn't that he won't admit to being wrong, he actually doesn't see that he is. I don't think he's ever once said to me that he's sorry. I hate arguing with him though. He's still the best friend I've ever had. I'll call him tomorrow. Heal the rifts.