2004-09-29 @ 10:43 p.m.

Okay, how fucking weird is this for a dream?

Last night I dreamed that my rabbit hadn't gone missing, it was still around. I was at a party and my mum was there. She started talking to her friends about how I had a rabbit, but I didn't look after it very well. She said that last time she checked it, it was thin and horribly ill, and it had probably dropped off by now.

I ran outside to look in the rabbit hutch.. on one side there were diamonds and jewels and gold, which I had to dig through to find my rabbit, which I was desperately hoping was still alive, and I finally got to it and it was dead, and gross, and decomposing, but it still had fur, and I, poked it to check it wasn't alive.. but it was dead.

It was horrible. Easily the most upsetting dream I've ever had.