2004-11-09 @ 11:45 p.m.

Ah well I gave up the detox properly today, and so did Brendan. We realised that there was really not much point to it, and that we can function while stoned just as well, and it's twice as fun. More than twice. Soberity is actually just plain old boring.

It took me a while but I've worked out that you can live your life however you want. You can live it stoned, or drunk, or sober, or on coke, or on speed, or on mushrooms, and at the end of the day, it's your choice. Life's there to be enjoyed, people should do what they enjoy cause I'm sure of one thing, there ain't gonna be another one.

Sigh. Sometimes I believe in something after you die, I think. But there won't be another life like this one. I have a feeling if there's something out there when you die, it's something weaker than this, weaker than life. Just inside the imagination probably.

I don't know, I'm kind of talking crap, my mind's not on the subject.