2004-12-24 @ 12:46 p.m.

There's some stupid phrase that you always get in chain e-mails, and it goes something along the lines of, "Don't cry over anyone because anyone worth your tears won't make you cry." It's not true. It actually isn't true. That's the saddest thing about the real world, all those motivational happy pieces of advice that people try to pass on, they don't work in the real world. The real world isn't like that.

I've been learning a lot about reality over the last couple of days. Had nothing to smoke. Well as I always do when I feel a state of mind creep up on me, I examined it. I looked closer and closer and closer and I found that reality is painfully clear, and yet capable of being painfully boring. I like it.

But all the THC in my system... I'm not even sober, not even now. I'm not stoned, but I mean.. little things. Like at this very second I'm quite fixated with the way that my hands look when they're typing. It's a little thing, and it's a thing I'd notice if I'd never smoked any Cannabis, but I wouldn't pay it much regard. Here I sit transfixed by it. Maybe it isn't because I'm still partly stoned, maybe it's because I have been stoned.

A few days ago I was all set to find a new group of friends. Some who don't smoke. But then I rejected that idea at the last minute on the grounds that those who don't smoke tend to be boring. That, Grace pointed out, is because a lot of people who don't get high, never have. How can somebody have never in their life gotten stoned?

I don't know. I only really know about my own group of friends and basically stoning is every day life for us. We go out, we meet up and we get stoned. A typical day at college for me, entails a spliff before even first lesson. But the people I see on the bus, or the other people at college - they all seem to be idiots. Chatting and gossiping about who's fucking who, meeting up in Starbucks after school, drinking, talking about boyfriends, girlfriends. It's dull. I do listen to their conversations and I always end up severely bored.

Those who aren't boring are immature. Like Steven. They make up for the fact that they don't smoke by acting more stoned than all of us. Except hyperactive as well. Eugh. I don't like hyperactive people in general. My kind of person is one who just sits around lazing about, smiling and usually transfixed by some random object. My kind of person is a kind of person who is naturally inclined to want to sit in a circle. My kind of person is one whom you can hand a random object and they'll make a funny game out of it.

My kind of group is one that always has a few games going. Like my one. The Wang Game, Pass The Bug, Pass The Smile, The Rumour Game.

The Wang Game was an invention of Ryans. One person in the room is Wang. You refer to them as Wang, and if you accidentally refer to them by their real name, or refer to the wrong person as Wang 3 times, you become Wang.

Pass the Smile is when you sit in a circle and pass the smile to the person next to you, and they pass it on etc so you all end up smiling.

Pass the Bug is when you run your tounge around the inside of your mouth, pushing it against your cheeks and you do it really fast and pull either really disgusted faces or faces of extreme pleasure.

Once you're done with it, you spit it to somebody else and they catch it in their mouth and do the same thing. It's a good game to play if there are couples because you can pass it through kissing as well.

The Rumour Game The rumour game is perhaps the funniest because it's a very real ironic take on how rumours start. If somebody says something that could be misinterpreted, you misinterpret it for all it's worth and whisper it really loudly to the next person. They then change it more, to make it worse, and pass it on again. It's hillarious. For example (a real example in fact) if Grace were to say something like, "Not that I'm shagging my sister" you'd pass the rumour that Grace WAS shagging her sister. And when she laughingly protests that her sister would kill her if that rumour actually got out, the rumour changes to, "Did you hear? Grace is in a violent and abusive incestuous relationship with her sister" to "I heard Grace was killed and buried under the floorboards - by her sister!" to "Did you hear about Grace? She was brutally murdered with an axe and pieces of were buried under the floorboards of houses all over England" All while Grace is in the room. And then if it ever comes up in conversation again, you can be like, "Well there was a rumour going round..."

They're all funny games, and somehow, I don't think anybody but stoners could have come up with them. It does make me proud of my culture, and dubious about experimenting with people who... don't.

Now everyone who reads this entry, write down all the random games you play with your friends. Leave them in a note or something. I want to know who else actually does this.