bad one in detail
2004-07-11 @ 10:02 a.m.

Okay. The bad trip. Well the people in the room were: Me, Ryan, Am, Harriet, Wilmer and Grace. I know Ryan and Grace well, and there's Am who I trust even though I don't know him that well. Harriet I don't know that well at all though, and Wilmer I absolutely detest.

All of the barriers were crumbled though. It was terrifying. When Grace is tripping she turns into another person (And I'm being quite literal - Split personality) and he (a gay man named Daniel) is a little bit of a bastard (Although when I did start freaking out he tried to help by saying "Hey I think we started off on the wrong foot" and shook hands with me - and I shook hands with Grace as if I'd never met her.

Am was getting on with Daniel like a house on fire *wink wink - nudge nudge*

Ryan was playing with shiney things, as if he were a four year old boy.

Harriet was .. I don't know. Harriet was there but I wasn't paying that much attention to her.

Wilmer was being rude in the corner and ignoring the rest of us.

I suddenly realised that I had no memories. I couldnt remember anything that had happened in my life. Not even what happened yesterday or the day before or for my last birthday - NOTHING. Also, I was in a room which had turned into a forest (Where The Wild Things Are style) and of the three people there who I trusted, one wasn't herself (in the strongest sense) one was flirting with the person who she now was and one was just playing with shiney things while I freaked out.

Ryan was like, "It's okay, I have no memories either, but just relax and give into it. The ones who try to grasp reality are the ones who end up having bad trips"

So Annie had a bad trip of course. I couldn't help it. I just wanted people who weren't tripping there. I wanted reality. I wanted things to be normal and I wanted my memories back.

I freaked out, I cried, and we didnt even have any orange juice in the house. So guess what we used as substitute? You got it! The good old marijuana. Somebody's had an overload on drugs so what do we do? We give them more drugs. Actually it did work. I don't know if it was the pot or the tobacco that calmed me down, but something did. It was good.

Then I kind of became Sibz for a while (Really odd, because last time I kind of became Ryan - long story) and I really really wanted Sibz to be there. Sibz and Sam, the centres of normalacy. The people who would make everything okay. Sam came. But it was Sibz who I really wanted to see. I came to a sudden realisation about Sibz. She's my friend. Sibz is somebody who no matter how annoyed with her I get, I still trust her. I mean I wouldnt trust her with certain things, but I'd trust that if I was in trouble, or I was really upset, she'd do everything in her power to help me. That's why I trust her.

The really weird thing though, is that

1. I'm glad the bad trip happened, because now I know what I can expect

2. Apart from the hour of hell, it was the best trip I'd had so far