2005-02-20 @ 2:30 a.m.

Agh. I don't want my life anymore. You know how ages ago I was complaining about how bored I am? I'm still bored. You know why? Because I didn't do anything that I said I was going to do. I really need to get off of my stoned ass and do something fun. And do some fucking homework. I'm not going to be happy until I sort my life out. But it's just not happening. Jesus fucking christ. I'm really really pissed off again. Just frustrated and annoyed. I'm quite depressed at the moment, and every time I get a glimpse of reality it just kills me inside. Especially when I turn on the news. George W fucking Bush. Give me a fucking weapon, any fucking weapon, ranging from nuclear bomb to hammer, give me air fair to America and he will fucking DIE.

Ecstasy ain't no good for you. So nice but so utterly evil. It's the experience of a lifetime, but it sure does fuck you up.