2005-01-05 @ 11:51 p.m.

I just wrote a really long entry and accidentally deleted it. Well basically the gist is, I tried E for the first time. I liked it. Don't tell me things I already know. I'm sensible. I know the rules, I know the dangers, and it's cool.

But so's the drug. Definately. It lets down all barriers. I've never felt so open. Just love. Lots of love.

It's so bad though, it's so bad that feeling that good is actually actually impossible without chemical aid. You can say it isn't... but... you're not gonna feel extacy unless your on extacy. It's just how it is. And it doesn't last forever. It should just be a once in a lifetime moment, your first E, and it should last forever. But it doesn't. It should though. It really really should.

Now I'm sad. Not very. Just a little bit. Just that it can't last forever. It would be nice if some things could. Beautiful buildings, endangered species, your friends. Wouldn't it be good if we were all young, beautiful and on Extacy forever?