2004-11-27 @ 1:35 p.m.

It's annoying. It's like the time I spend at home is just to make my life easier. I spend time at home so that my parents won't complain about me going out all the time. They do have a point. I'm out every day. Never home early.

It's a bitch.

Everything's weird at the moment. Everything is kind of on the verge of change. I feel like I might just fall off the edge of the world. I wonder what it'll be like.

I keep waiting for the right moment. I keep waiting for something to fall back on. But I only just worked out that I've had something to fall back on all this time. I can't actually believe I forgot. I guess I was mislead. I've been thinking about it all so much, but not in the right context. I need to back out of the group, but I need to back out in the direction of Ryan, for it is he that I trust.

Well anyhow, I'm at home, so I'd best mingle with my family so that I can go out again unquestioned.