2004-09-24 @ 1:15 p.m.

You know what I just found on my sister's computer desk? A tamagochi (or however they're spelled) do you know how long it's been since I last saw one of those. I so badly want to steal it. But that would be stealing from children. That would be wrong *smiles an evil smile*

Nah. I'm not really going to.

What of today? Well nothing much. I had history, which was as boring as fuck. The British Empire? Who gives a shit.

We controlled a third of the world, we went in, took other people's land and decided it was ours. It was wrong. It was immoral. Absolutely. But you know what? It's such a boring fucking topic that I actually don't give a shit. What's there to learn? Is there actually anything to evaluate?

I have to do a 3 fucking page essay on whether or not Britain was reluctant to colonise Africa. Reluctant? Reluctant!? They took over practically the whole of East Africa, I haven't even looked at the other parts. Yeah okay, maybe that wasn't their original intention, but RELUCTANT? Yeah right. How the fuck am I meant to write 3 pages of the word "No"

The only reason I haven't dropped history yet is that I don't want to have to leave Ben all alone at the mercy of Clive and Mary. The most boring of all teachers. The only two out of my 9 teachers who I absolutely can't bear. I really like the rest of them, they have character.

I don't care. I'm dropping it. I can't carry on with all 4 A-Levels anyway, that's way too much pressure and I only have so much time. If I drop history I'll have the whole of Fridays off and I won't have to go in on Tuesday evenings. It sounds like a pretty fucking good deal to me. I won't get a good grade in history this year, not in the British Empire, and I won't be able to maintain enthusiasm for Nazi Germany either, I've already done it too many times. Especially if I come into every lesson stoned, which is kind of a catch 22 situation because I get stoned before every history lesson because if I didn't I'd just walk out for not being able to bare the shere boredom of it.

It's decided. History will go. Bye bye history. *Sighs* I suppose I can always read about the bits of history I'm actually interested in on my own time.

On another note, why do people drink? It's so rank and disgusting. The only good thing about alcohol is the warm feeling you get as it goes down, and even that's only with vodka and whiskey and stuff. People from college went off to drink beer today. Nobody had any draw. So they substitued it for drink. Absolute travesty. Pot's so good and social, and you all love eachother and life's pretty and nice and you can laugh about absolutely nothing. Alcohol makes people aggressive and selfish and stupid, and not very funny at all. *Sighs*

Only Grace seems to agree though, and even she drank once. So I guess it must have some merits to it. I suppose it must just be a personal distaste for the substance on my part. I can't stand people when they're drunk though. I've only met three who I actually liked while they were drunk, one's my cousin and the others are Heiro and Ed. Some people I can tolerate, but the vast majority just make me want to punch them.